Features | Package A | Package B |
Taxi to Your Hotel | ||
Local transport | ✔ | |
Private transport | ✔ | |
Specialized bilingual guide | ✔ | ✔ |
Snack | ✔ | ✔ |
Tickets for cable car (6 lines) | ✔ | ✔ |
Bottled Water | ✔ | |
Extra drinks | ||
Tips |
Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.
+591 719-69465
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec felis a nulla sagittis condimentum. Quisque aliquam dui id diam malesuada, ut lacinia libero cursus. Nunc luctus magna sit amet odio vehicula convallis. Vivamus urna arcu, vehicula et suscipit eget, dignissim vel ante. Donec ligula nulla, maximus sed rutrum a, lobortis posuere ligula. Vivamus in hendrerit arcu, vitae viverra risus. Fusce a erat urna. Sed rutrum magna risus, at convallis enim ultrices ac.
Every day at 09:00 a.m.
Meeting point, Plaza Murillo Square in front of the stone book statue
Hotels or Sagarnaga Street
Please arrive to the meeting point at least 10 minutes prior to departure time.
Features | Package A | Package B |
Taxi to Your Hotel | ||
Local transport | ✔ | |
Private transport | ✔ | |
Specialized bilingual guide | ✔ | ✔ |
Snack | ✔ | ✔ |
Tickets for cable car (6 lines) | ✔ | ✔ |
Bottled Water | ✔ | |
Extra drinks | ||
Tips |
Get into the heart of La Paz with your experienced local guide who will take you around to the best highlights of the city and show you what real life is like for most Paceños (La Paz residents). Begin the day at Plaza Murillo with its beautiful architecture for a perfect introduction into Bolivia’s history and culture. Learn about the current social and political situation in Bolivia as we walk by Murillo Square with the Presidential Palace and House of Parliament. We will be stopping to sample a traditional mid-morning snack.
Next, visit South of the city where an impressive contrast awaits. Down at the border of La Paz` South Side a singular mean of transport shall take us from 2900 to 4090 meters above sea level with impressive views taking the cable cars that at this very moment is the main transportation system around.
Next, visit El Alto slums where you will be able to see firsthand the way of life of the majority of Bolivian citizens. Here your guide will take you the “Real” importance of the coca plant to Bolivian history as well as modern day uses of the plant from the production of coca tea to the illegal production and sale of cocaine in the region. On the way back to La Paz a unique view of the cable car with stunning views of El Alto this young city, still growing, has probably one of the best views around.
This is not a common city tour but one with local interaction and with amazing perspectives around the city, truly, the best way to get around and know La Paz from above.
You will have an exciting return back to La Paz on a cable car; be sure to capture the views! We will be using 3 extra cable cars around the city. Your exploration of La Paz will end upon our return to Plaza Murillo (around 12:30 pm). We wish you safe travels onwards!
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yellow line
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orange line
white line
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